28 February 2023 FIPO and LCA Board Member Rosemary Hittinger receiving the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) ‘Consultant Champion 2022‘ award at PHIN’s Star Performers Award evening hosted at the Kings Fund.
The award recognises Rosemary’s regular attendance of PHIN’s working group meetings and her consistent commitment to speaking out for Consultants in private practice, representing the position of FIPO and the LCA.
Mr Ellis Downes, Chair of the London Consultants Association (LCA), commented: “On behalf of the LCA, we are really delighted to hear of this award to Rosemary and congratulate her warmly. It is totally deserved and reflects the years of work that she has undertaken with PHIN to ensure the interests of doctors are appropriately recognised as PHIN try and develop their strategy”.
Photo: Rosemary Hittinger, with Nigel Mercer, Surgical Non-Executive Director of PHIN