UPDATE: The Paterson Report
February 2020 
The publication of the Report into the Paterson Inquiry marks an important landmark towards improving patient safety. The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt. Rev’d Graham James, has led a meticulous two-year investigation into the mistreatment by Ian Paterson of NHS (Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust) and private patients, at the Spire Parkway & Little Aston Hospitals. Whilst Mr Paterson’s conviction concerned patients in the private sector, this affair has revealed major concerns about the relationship between the NHS and private hospitals.
FIPO gave evidence to the Rt. Rev’d James’s inquiry into the actions of breast surgeon Ian Paterson. It highlighted concerns, which led to many of the Report’s recommendations. A FIPO Board Member served on the Inquiry’s Clinical Panel and together with the FIPO Board gave an official comment to the Independent Practitioner Today, (whose article may be read here) and submit its own comment on the Report, which you may read > FIPO comment on Paterson Report
You can access the full Paterson report from here: Paterson Report
August 2018: An Independent Inquiry into the issues raised by the practice of Ian Paterson has been set up by the Minister of State for Health under the chairmanship of the Lord Bishop of Norwich. It will review the circumstances surrounding Ian Paterson’s malpractice and consider other past and current practices. It will pay particular attention to accountability and responsibility for safety and quality between the independent sector and the NHS. It will also focus on arrangements for assuring that healthcare professionals maintain appropriate professional standards. FIPO has formally expressed its interest in providing professional perspective to the Inquiry.