In the light of the BUPA Insurance proposals, FIPO in conjunction with BOA, BASK and BOTA sent out a questionnaire to 1,700 orthopaedic consultants throughout the UK. There was an overwhelming response of 858 consultants representing 50 % of all orthopaedic surgeons. A fuller analysis of the questionnaire results will be made available in due course. A preliminary report has been published in the British Orthopaedic News. In this report it was noted that 88% of consultants believed the BUPA Insurance proposal was driven primarily by financial consideration and 18 % believe it driven by quality. A large number of surgeons would have been disenfranchised by the BUPA Insurance proposals with a particularly heavy cut back in those “recognised” for hip or knee revision and hip resurfacing. The profession was clear in its support for professionally led audits and outcome studies based on BOA and other professional guidelines.

It was also evident that very few consultants had attended a BUPA Insurance road show, and of these only 25 % were convinced by the BUPA Insurance arguments. Discussions have since taken place with BUPA Insurance who have issued a revised consultation document. This has moved closer to the professional views about training but nevertheless the profession remains opposed to any suggestion that insurance companies should regulate or recognise consultants.