The Private Medical Industry (PMI) is going through a major upheaval. The Care Standards Act, accepted and approved by FIPO, will affect the regulation of hospitals and other independent facilities.

Private medical insurance is changing with new policies, increasing demands on consultants and patients and a creeping bureaucracy. FIPO’s stance will always be to maintain freedom of choice and clinical control over clinical decisions. Patients should be guided in their choice of consultant by their GP and should not be deterred from this choice by any outside interference.

Another trend in the independent healthcare market is the growth of self-pay patients. The reason for this is probably two-fold;

a) the unfortunate state of the NHS and;
b) the disinclination of some people to pay for medical insurance premiums.

As a consequence a number of package deals maybe found and patients should take note of some of the problems which can be encountered with these.

For patient information, whether insured or self-pay, please visit our Patient’s area

A further role in the independent market is the breakdown of barriers between the NHS and the private sector. This has been promoted as the NHS/Private Concordat by the Government. Uptake on this has been patchy and the future unclear.

For further information on some of these topics see below: